Photo by Louis Magnotti
I have jetlag. Hard. I know, I know, first world problem, am I right? I definitely can't complain too much! We have recently landed on the beautiful island of Bali! But I am super low energy these days and a rough flight has made our first few days here kinda be more of a hibernation, just popping out for food and beach. We've been spending some time catching up on online work and I'm just checking in here to share some of my online picks for this week!
1. Viceland's Gaycation with Ellen Page-Japan
Ellen Page has a new documentary broadcasting on Vice Magazine's own Viceland about LBGTQ rights and experiences in different cities around the world. While I have yet to see the other episodes, I was curious to check out the Japan segment since I used to live there.. As a hetero female, I have witnessed some totally out there responses to LGBTQ culture and Japan has SO far to go in terms of even recognizing gays exist, let alone along them to live open mainstream lives in equality. Not only are there no anti-discrimination laws that protect LBGTQ's in Japan, there are no anti-discimination laws for anyone. Gays exist as caricatures on late night variety shows, are spectacles and jokes and while there is a Pride Parade,, it's very much "don't ask, don't tell". There are a lot of brave people in this video and while Ellen Page is kinda doing her monotone, non-expressive thang, she is compassionate and engaged and there are a couple of tough scenes here. The part where the dude has to hire friend in order to come out to his Mom? Ugh.
2. Vegetarian Ethiopian Shehan Ful Recipe by Kittee Berns

Photo belongs to Kittee Berns
Although I really don't understand the 'cake maker to the stars' moniker (I think I'm missing some background info), I'm a huge fan of Kittee Berns and her Teff Love (her affiliate link) cookbook. Full of vegetarian Ethiopian recipes, I highly recommend picking it up on her website if you are into flavourful, protein laden pulses and grains. This week she posted a recipe for this tasty looking Ful and I can't wait to try it out.

Photo by Liza Matthews
Pretty self-explanatory here-Pema Chodron has been one of my teachers and inspirations since for almost 15 years. This article breaks down some the qualities we cultivate during meditation and how they can be beneficial to you.

Photo by NBC
This article reminded me of the sexual politics of meat and how, especially in my country, and the US, meat eating is considered masculine and macho and the criticism men face in particular if they are vegetarian.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a massive Wes Anderson fan. I especially love The Royal Tenenbaums. I found out about these brilliant papercuts through Frankie Magazine. Seriously admirable painstaking work. Click on the link for more and here for The Grand Budapest Hotel concierge desk.